Big News

So, in my last post I mentioned that a lot was going on in our world.  We are working on several projects around the house.  We have a new found sense of urgency for these projects because we are expecting our first child in March.  Mr. C and I are truly excited!

What does this news mean for the blog? 
Well, most likely my postings will decrease.  Although, I would like to maintain a minimum of one weekly post.  It also means I have more new and exciting ideas for projects now related to babies.  I will be making all kinds of things for my new baby.  I will also do a nursery reveal once we finish it.  In addition to these new ideas, I will still post about cooking, sewing, building and refinishing furniture.

We still have a list of projects we wanted to work on before we knew we were having a baby.  Our goal is to accomplish as much as we can on that list.  Obviously, we may not get a chance to finish them all.  We know we will have to incorporate the new baby prep projects.  Hope you continue to enjoy watching our progress!


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