Making A Comeback

It has been quite a while since I have blogged here, over two years, to be precise.  Those years have been well spent.  In that time, our son was born and we have spent time enjoying every moment with the Little Mister.  There was less time left for leisure blogging.  We completed fewer projects and the ones we have worked on seem to have taken us much longer to complete.  But, it's all worth it.  We have a happy, healthy and seemingly mature toddler to show for it, with whom we have already created so many great memories with our son.

I feel like now is a good time to return to the blog and start writing again.  I have so many new ideas and projects to share.  It is time for me to get back to some of the things I love doing.  It is time for "the mommy" to get back to being herself.  I want to learn how to balance my life better and integrate things I enjoy doing while taking care of my responsibilities.

So, I'm back, but with some changes.  For one,  I will be blogging less days a week.  I have a tendency to start off like a race horse and run until I wear myself out.  When I first started this blog, I tried to have a new post every weekday.  And, that would have been great, if this blog were my primary source of income.  But, while maintaining a full time job and family, that just isn't a realistic expectation for myself.  As a result, I have decided to make this blog what I always intended it to be, my hobby.  I plan to post about once a week.

Here's what you can expect to see on the blog going forward.  I will still be posting about home projects, sewing adventures, hair chronicles, cooking, baking and gardening (probably fails).  However, I plan to post a little more about cake decorating projects I complete.  I have been decorating cakes since I was fifteen years old and I am passionate about being creative with them.  Throughout the years I have learned a lot of techniques and tips that I hope to share with you.  I may even sprinkle in a little of my mommy adventures into the mix.

I truly believe that the only way to truly fail at something is to not even try.  If you try something and it happens to not work out, at least you have learned something new.  Hopefully, you will continue to follow along and capture a glimpse into my world.


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