Easter Egg Ideas for Toddlers

Photo from www.gardenguides.com

As I have mentioned before, we don't give our son a lot of candy and sweets.  Easter is such a candy filled holiday with chocolate rabbits, Peeps, Cadbury Eggs, Gold Brick Eggs, and all sorts of other varieties of sweets.  In an attempt to minimize the Little Mister's sugar intake, we fill his plastic eggs with other treats.  Here are some ideas for filling those plastic eggs for baskets and Easter egg hunts with non-candy sweets.

Mini Cheese Puff Balls

Chex Mix

Froot Loops Cereal

Goldfish Crackers

Honey Nut Cheerios Cereal

Teddy Grahams 

Pretzel Sticks

Mini Vanilla Wafers

Gerber Puffs

Gerber Yogurt Melts

Some of these alternatives work well not only for toddlers, but can also be used for older children. These are just a few ideas if you are trying to stay away from an overload of chocolate and candy.  You could fill eggs with some of these types of goodies, then you might not feel as bad about the chocolate rabbits your little ones receive.


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