Towel Storage

When our house was built, we didn't pay attention to the fact that our master bathroom did not include a linen closet.  Mr. C says he mentioned it once, but I don't remember him mentioning it.  We were a little green about building and although we did ultimately invest in a few upgrades, we did not want to go overboard.  So, when he made mention of adding a linen closet, I'm sure we tabled that idea in favor of keeping our costs lower.

For years, we used one of those flimsy metal towel racks that goes over the toilet.  Except, we didn't have ours over the toilet.  We had it against a wall in our bathroom.  It served the purpose of storing our towels.  But, it wasn't the nicest thing to look at in our bathroom.  I bought a couple of bathroom cabinets in the past, but they were all too short for our 8 foot ceilings.  And, they didn't look good in such a big bathroom.

I had been on a search to find the perfect piece.  For the last two years, I had actually been looking for a small china hutch that I could have refinished for the bathroom.  I wanted something like this:

Picture from
However, I had been unable to find one on Craigslist or with other resale shops and groups.  I didn't want to spring for a brand new one because after all, this is for the bathroom.  Recently, I got the idea to stop looking for a china hutch and think about a bookcase.  So, I began looking online for bookcases.

I came across the Carson 5-Shelf Bookcase by Threshold while walking through Target one day and thought, this could be just what we need for the bathroom.  About two months later, I saw Target was running a sale on the item and it qualified for discounts if I used a particular code.  With all the discounts, I was able to purchase the bookcase for only $97 after taxes.  And, I didn't have to wait for the item to be shipped.  One of the discounts included $10 off if you selected "Store Pickup" as your delivery method.  We picked it up on a Friday and put it together on a Saturday.

Picture from
It was pretty easy to put together.  The instructions were clear and concise, and all the pieces were labeled properly.  The only problem we had was that the bottom left door on the piece is bowed, making one door appear to tilt inward.  We tried to fix this by adjusting the hinges.  But, Mr. C realized it was the actual door.  Although we probably could have returned the piece easily, we kind of decided to just keep it as is.  Even with the defect, this piece looks so good in our bathroom!!!  It is holding our towels and we even have additional storage at the bottom.  I am still trying to figure out what I will put in the doors below.  We are pretty meticulous about storage around here, so we will take our time in deciding.

All in all, I think this bookcase is a winner.  Now, to find a solution for our dirty laundry that actually works...


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