Ashley Wilcot Sectional...One Year Later

From the looks of the traffic on the blog here, the post I made about the Ashley Wilcot Sectional is the most popular post.  And, a number of you have asked for an update on the sofa.  Well, here it is.  No, really, below is a picture of the sectional taken yesterday.  Above is a picture of how the sectional usually looks with my throw on the end of the chaise.

It was a little overcast outside, so the picture is not the best.  But, it's good enough to provide you with the update on the sofa.  When we purchased the sofa, it was a new model.  I had not seen too many reviews about it.  At the time, it was the number two selling item at Ashley.  So, we had to wait quite a while to get our sectional.

Now, a year later, we are still happy with it.  I have noticed a little pilling on the cushion in the middle on the side closest to the chaise.  But, it is not anything major.  And, I don't think anyone else has noticed it.

We use the sectional daily.  Most of the time, we sit or lay on the chaise.  So, the cushion on the chaise has begun to appear a little lumpy.  But, it's not like the entire sofa is lumpy or sinking.  It's barely noticeable.

Now, the decorative pillows that came with the sofa might not last as long as the sofa will.  I find them to be flat.  They are feather-filled, but they aren't filled well.  I reshape them to plump them up a little, but I've never been too impressed with them.

One thing I do to keep the sofa in shape is fluff the large pillows on the back.  I do have to frequently pull the chaise cushion back toward the back on the sofa.  It slides a bit.

So, to answer your questions...

Are we still happy with our purchase?  Yes.  How is the sectional holding up?  Well, I would say, considering we have a three year old that likes to run and jump on it.  Am I or was I ever compensated by Ashley for this review of their product?  Nope.  I've not made one penny on this blog since I started it.  And, frankly, Ashley Furniture probably doesn't know who I am or that this review even exists.

Hopefully, this update is helpful to you.  We will continue to have family movie and game nights, take great naps and host football and Walking Dead watch parties on our Ashley Wilcot sectional.


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